It’s no secret, we spend far too much time online and on our phones.

No-one will admit it, but we all know it’s true! With a lot of time spent online comes an awful lot of scrolling. Leo Qin did the maths and worked out that we scroll through – on average – over 5 miles of screen every year! That’s a lot of scrolling.


“Isn’t it easier for my customers to just keep scrolling?”


Maybe it’s ‘easier,’ but when has the best thing to do ever been the easiest? It can be super tempting to just ask for the one page with everything on it – don’t fall into this trap! One-page websites perform far worse than multi-page websites, for a variety of reasons.

When it comes to ranking well on Google, nothing is more important to your site than getting the SEO right. Don’t know what we’re talking about?

Check out this blog post for a quick breakdown of what SEO is and why it’s SO important. 


One Page = One Key Phrase

SEO is built around key phrases. A key phrase is a singe phrase that your customers would use when they’re looking for your services – “General builder in Croydon,” for example.

We find that the best thing to do is to focus on one phrase per page of your website. As you might imagine, when it comes to a one-page website versus a website with multiple pages, it’s a simple numbers game.

One page gives you one main key phrase and one avenue down which your customers can realistically find your business.


More Pages Mean More Chances of Being Found

When you come to DotGO, depending on the package you choose, we’ll build you three or four different pages – that gives you three or four times as many opportunities for key phrases and three or four times as many avenues down which your customers can find your business! It’s a no-brainer.



A big factor that Google considers, as it decides which websites are worth showing your customers, is the speed of your website. A slow website doesn’t give your users a good experience and one-pagers are the worst offenders in that regard! Due to the sheer volume of content appearing on a single page, it can often load pictures and text slowly, as well as “lagging” hard as you scroll. Our multi-page websites load fast and scroll smoothly, on desktop and mobile!

Note: You can check your websites page speed here:



A Running Theme: More is More

A huge part of building a big, beautiful website (our speciality, as it happens) is allowing you to put your best foot forward online. A large website, with multiple pages, each focused on a certain part of your business, says a huge amount about your expertise and your commitment to what you do. A single-page site can come across as light and, in some cases, even a little lazy.

At the end of the day, it’s all about the design of your site, what’s on it and how effectively it shows off your skills. Big site = big business!



As we’ve said, a website with multiple pages allows you to draw special attention to certain aspects of what you do. What do you want to shout about?

  • Maybe your personality is infectious: highlight that with an About Us page or a business blog.
  • Are your customers as passionate about your service as you are? Testimonials are a great way to build brand trust.
  • They say pictures speak louder than words – a gallery page can put your best work on show.


There are endless possibilities for the use of your pages. Maybe you do something completely unique, that nobody’s done yet – boom – there’s a whole page available to highlight just why it’s so worth paying attention to.

More pages mean faster websites, finer focus, better SEO, higher Google rankings and – most importantly – more customers!


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