Nobody likes to repeat themselves. We make sure you don’t have to.

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DotGO eBay importer - bring over all of your products.

If you have an established eBay store full of products, we can import your items into your brand new ecommerce website design - saving you countless hours of painstakingly adding all of your products manually!



Why does this matter?

If you’ve been selling on eBay, you’ll have countless items already uploaded. You don’t want to do all that again.

No Repeats

  • You’ve already done the work there.
  • Don’t repeat the process for no reason.
  • It’s a waste of your time.
  • Import all of your items to us for free, with a single click!

Extra Charges

  • eBay can charge you large fees to sell your items on their platform.
  • They take a big cut of the profits when you do.


What do we do?

We’re connected with eBay, making item transfers to your website easy and hassle-free.


  • DotGO and eBay have a partnership.
  • This lets us link up with your eBay store.
  • It’s completely secure, managed through a secure eBay login link.


  • We pull all your products from your eBay store.
  • We populate your shelves in your new DotGO web shop.
  • All item descriptions and other data that you’ve already written are added automatically.
  • This saves you literal hours of time.


 You may also be interested in:

Item Management

Take control of your stock room, making changes, big and small, to any item or group.

Spreadsheet Upload

Upload items to your webstore en-mass, quickly, saving you time and avoiding tedium.

eBay Connector

Avoid doing the same work twice when bringing your eBay store to us. We make the switch seamless.

Bulk Item Manager

Make big changes to multiple items in your inventory, with just a couple of clicks.

Find out more about "Stocking your shelves"  

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